5 Questions to Find Your Artistic Voice

fall in love with the process not the outcome finding fulfillment and meaning in music free download: best guitar warmup on creativity and being an artist practice strategy & outlook Jan 02, 2024

In this video I ask 5 questions to help you understand your identity as a musician.
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🎸 FREE Technique Exercise Download: The BEST Guitar Warmup


🕛 Video Content Outline

0:00 - About this video
1:08 - Question #1: What do you love most about playing music?
3:55 - Question #2: What assumptions do you have about being a musician?
8:25 - Question #3: What does a perfect day look like?
11:47 - Question #4: What is your ideal outcome five years from now?
15:06 - Question #5: What are you going to do differently?
18:47 - Your answers!
19:41 - The best guitar warm up (free PDF)
20:44 - Recap


🔗 Links & Lessons Mentioned

🎸 Full playlist of this series
🎸 FREE Technique Exercise Download: The BEST Guitar Warmup


💬 Lesson Description

This is my first video of 2024!

If you're watching at the time of publishing, Happy New Year!

Even if you're watching this later, it's never a bad time to reflect on our goals as musicians and guitarists.

In this video, I ask five questions to help us refine our artistic vision and our artistic voice.

When I say “our voice,” I mean more than just how we sound.

I believe that our voice is our unique musical identity, which we shape by our understanding of why and how music fits into our lives.

The result of reflecting on the role of music in our lives determines how we ultimately sound as musicians.

I hope you enjoyed this video and found it beneficial.

Let me know what you thought in the comments.

Thanks! :)

- Jared


🎸 FREE Technique Exercise Download: The BEST Guitar Warmup


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