Getting a Legit Reggae Guitar Feel (a must-know for versatile guitarists)

free download: chords with color rhythm guitar technique May 07, 2024

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In this video, I teach you how to play reggae guitar and how to get its iconic sound.


๐ŸŽธ Get my FREE, amazing chord options chart called ‘Chords with Color’


๐Ÿ•› Video Content Outline

00:00 - About this video
00:36 - The most common reggae chord progression
01:53 - Chord voicings
06:07 - Strumming technique
07:53 - Strumming patterns
10:36 - Ska feel
11:31 - Free chord chart


๐Ÿ”— Links & Lessons Mentioned

๐ŸŽธ Get my FREE, amazing chord options chart called ‘Chords with Color’


๐Ÿ’ฌ Lesson Description

This lesson is about how to play reggae guitar.

I also talk about getting a ska feel later in the video.

Reggae guitar and ska use many subtle techniques, which are really fun to play with.

Getting a legit reggae guitar feel is a lot more than just playing on the two and four, or just playing on the offbeats.

We can also combine certain chord voicings and strumming techniques to get the signature reggae guitar sound.

I hope you enjoy this lesson and find it beneficial.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Thanks! :)

- Jared


๐ŸŽธ Get my FREE, amazing chord options chart called ‘Chords with Color’


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