Getting derailed & practicing the wrong thing?

free download: best guitar warmup practice strategy & outlook technique Feb 27, 2024

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In this video I respond to a viewer comment about getting derailed by technique practice.


🎸 FREE Technique Exercise Download: The BEST Guitar Warmup


🕛 Video Content Outline

0:00 - About this video
1:32 - Viewer comment
3:12 - General answer
8:07 - Practice example 1
10:14 - Technique philosophy
12:25 - Practice example 2
15:01 - Conclusion
17:43 - Best guitar warm up (FREE PDF)


🔗 Links & Lessons Mentioned

🎸 Practice strategy playlist
🎸 Practice priority pyramid lesson
🎸 FREE Technique Exercise Download: The BEST Guitar Warmup
🎸 WATCH THIS NEXT: Best warm up exercise lesson


💬 Lesson Description

Have you ever been working towards a goal and gotten derailed along the way?

Have you practiced a lot of technique, but ended up disconnected from the music you were originally playing?

A lot us struggle with this problem, myself included.

In this video, I answer a viewer’s question about getting derailed by technique practice.

First, I explain how to think about this problem, then I show you how I’m solving it in my own practice.

The concepts I explain in this lesson will help you target your weaknesses and break through plateaus, while staying connected to the music you love.

I hope you enjoy the lesson and find it beneficial.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Thanks! :)

- Jared


🎸 FREE Technique Exercise Download: The BEST Guitar Warmup


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