Chords of the Melodic Minor Scale
Mar 16, 2021These are the chords of the melodic minor scale. Learn the triad & 7th chords of the melodic minor scale with clear chord shape diagrams.
Weekly Lesson #66
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Lesson Description
The chords of the melodic minor scale sound a bit weird, and can be hard to get used and remember, but if we learn them along the 5th string in this one way, it can serve as a way to practice, hear, and remember the melodic minor chords more easily.
Video Lesson Content Outline with Links:
0:00​ - About this Melodic Minor chords lesson
0:31​ - Melodic minor scale guitar form along 5th string
0:54​ - Triad melodic minor chords along 5th string
1:27​ - 7th chord melodic minor scale guitar shapes
2:52​ - Conclusion / Outro
Links Mentioned in this Lesson
- Full chord theory series playlist:​
- Chords of the harmonic minor scale:
Check out related lessons I've made on similar topics with these tags
Resources used to make this video
Final Thoughts
I definitely recommend learning the chords of the melodic minor scale even if you don’t know how or when you’ll use them. Studying the melodic minor chords helps with understanding how chords work from all types of scales, including the ones we use all the time.
I hope you enjoyed this lesson and found it beneficial. Let me know what you thought.
Thanks! :)
- Jared
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